Clean & Safe Hygienezertifikat

Air conditioner installations

30. Dezember 2019

In 2010, 4 Mort St, Can­ber­ra (Figu­re 1) was upgraded to signi­fi­cant­ly impro­ve its ener­gy per­for­mance. The retro­fit was per­for­med with the dual cons­traints of a limi­t­ed bud­get and the buil­ding remai­ning occu­p­ied during the upgrade. This Case Stu­dy covers the key fac­tors that enab­led this 45 year old com­mer­cial office buil­ding to achie­ve a 2.5 star increase to 4.5 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating, inclu­ding the pathway taken and the tech­no­lo­gies used.


The buil­ding: ‚ con­s­truc­ted in 1966 and owned by Tra­fal­gar Pla­ti­num Fund ‚ 5 sto­ries with net lettable area (NLA) of 5,400 m² ‚ 2 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating, as asses­sed ‚ Com­mon­wealth ten­ants, with sin­gle retail ten­ant lea­sing part of ground flo­or, Com­mon­wealth lea­ses were set to expi­re ‚ exis­ting HVAC rea­ching end of ope­ra­tio­nal life, unre­lia­ble and expen­si­ve to main­tain ‚ dif­fi­cul­ty main­tai­ning occu­p­ant com­fort using exis­ting HVAC sys­tem. In order to retain capi­tal asset value the buil­ding owner deci­ded to upgrade the buil­ding to tar­get a 4.5 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating

The upgrade was also done in the con­text of:

  • requi­re­ments to meet the Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy in Govern­ment Ope­ra­ti­ons Poli­cy requi­re­ments for Aus­tra­li­an Govern­ment tenants1 , and the ACT Envi­ron­men­tal Lea­sing Poli­cy requi­re­ments for Ter­ri­to­ry Govern­ment tenants2
  • the impen­ding Aus­tra­li­an Govern­ment Com­mer­cial Buil­ding Dis­clo­sure (CBD) regu­la­ti­ons requi­ring an ener­gy per­for­mance rating to be dis­c­lo­sed when adver­ti­sing for lea­se or sale3
  • mini­mal dis­rup­ti­on to busi­ness was also requi­red so that ten­ants could con­ti­nue to occu­py the buil­ding throug­hout the upgrade
  • a limi­t­ed bud­get of $1 mil­li­on, sup­ple­men­ted by $500,000 from the now clo­sed Green Buil­ding Fund4 .


Impro­ve­ment from 2 to 4.5 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating, and aiming to achie­ve a 5 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating in 2013. ‚ Impro­ved sys­tems moni­to­ring through the instal­la­ti­on of a modern buil­ding manage­ment sys­tem (BMS). ‚ Annu­al ener­gy cost saving of $120,000. ‚ Increase in asset value esti­ma­ted at $1.4 mil­li­on. ‚ 70% reduc­tion in annu­al green­house gas emis­si­ons equa­ting to 786 ton­nes CO2 ‑e


4 Mort Street Can­ber­ra was in a situa­ti­on com­mon to many aging com­mer­cial buil­dings. The buil­ding was per­forming poor­ly (esti­ma­ted at 2 stars NABERS Ener­gy), the exis­ting HVAC sys­tem was nea­ring the end of its ope­ra­tio­nal life (unre­lia­ble and expen­si­ve to main­tain), ener­gy pri­ces were incre­asing, and some of the govern­ment ten­an­cy lea­ses were due to expi­re. In order to retain the building’s capi­tal asset value it was neces­sa­ry for the ener­gy per­for­mance of the base buil­ding to reach a mini­mum 4.5 star NABERS Ener­gy Rating in line with the Aus­tra­li­an and Sta­te and Ter­ri­to­ry Govern­ment lea­sing poli­ci­es. Faced with a limi­t­ed bud­get for capi­tal expen­dit­u­re and a requi­re­ment that the exis­ting ten­ants remain in situ throug­hout the impro­ve­ments, the task of upgrading the buil­ding was not a small one



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