Clean & Safe Hygienezertifikat

Heating system maintenance

30. Dezember 2019

Impro­ved faci­li­ty com­fort and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty; more relia­ble buil­ding sys­tems; expert pro­ject over­sight; effi­ci­ent rem­oval of old equip­ment; non-dis­rup­ti­ve ope­ra­ti­on; pro­vi­si­on of more modern and advan­ced faci­li­ties auto­ma­ti­on; grea­ter ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy; bet­ter sys­tem con­trol. Instal­la­ti­on of the new, ener­gy effi­ci­ent sys­tems gar­ne­red a $83,438 reba­te from Sou­thern Cali­for­nia Edi­son (SCE).


To upgrade its cen­tral plant to meet new and impro­ved standards.


This cli­ent cho­se Mesa becau­se of its exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in per­forming air con­di­tio­ning retro­fits and its abili­ty to deli­ver the pro­ject on a turn­key basis, ensu­ring con­sis­t­ent­ly high levels of qua­li­ty, pre­cis­i­on, and pro­fes­sio­na­lism. The pro­ject focu­sed on the client’s cen­tral plant, which Mesa upgraded to a new, more relia­ble, and ener­gy effi­ci­ent plant.

EMCOR’s work began with the deve­lo­p­ment of com­ple­te mecha­ni­cal, elec­tri­cal, and struc­tu­ral engi­nee­ring dra­wings, which were review­ed by the owner and the city to ensu­re the customer’s goals and code com­pli­ance requi­re­ments were met. The com­pa­ny crea­ted a con­s­truc­tion sche­du­le, inclu­ding equip­ment lead-times and sys­tem downtime.

But while EMCOR’s goal was to build up, it star­ted by tearing down, sin­ce the exis­ting equip­ment had to be decom­mis­sio­ned and remo­ved. This equip­ment included cen­tri­fu­gal and recipro­ca­ting chil­lers, chil­led and con­den­ser water pumps, and a ten­ant loop coo­ling tower. The com­pa­ny remo­ved a wall sec­tion of the pent­house, so it could rig old and new equip­ment in and out of the chil­ler room. The wall was repla­ced with steel dou­ble access doors. Mesa instal­led struc­tu­ral and seis­mic sup­ports and modi­fied the exis­ting con­cre­te pads to accom­mo­da­te the new chillers.

At the height of the pro­ject, Mesa also mana­ged the cra­ne ser­vices, which the com­pa­ny con­ve­ni­ent­ly sche­du­led over­night on a Fri­day and into Satur­day mor­ning, when both local traf­fic and ten­ant occu­p­an­cy were mini­mal. The ser­vices included rem­oval of the equip­ment lis­ted abo­ve and set­ting of the new equip­ment on the roof for rig­ging into place.

EMCOR then instal­led two new 285-ton chil­lers, two new 20-hor­se­power chil­led water pumps, and two new 20-hor­se­power con­den­ser water pumps, and a ten­ant loop coo­ling tower, all with VFDs and two-cont­ac­tor bypass assem­blies. The airsi­de built­up vane axi­al fans were retro­fit­ted with two 150-hor­se­power and two 50-hor­se­power VFDs on the sup­p­ly and return fan motors, respec­tively. The chil­ler room recei­ved a new ASHRAE 15 moni­to­ring and ven­ti­la­ti­on system.


Three Hut­ton Cent­re is a “class A” office tower. Fea­turing out­stan­ding views of the cen­tral lake, it is con­ve­ni­ent­ly loca­ted adja­cent to num­e­rous retail, restau­rant, and hotel amen­i­ties, inclu­ding South Coast Pla­za and the Oran­ge County/​John Way­ne Airport.




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