Clean & Safe Hygienezertifikat

Conditioning Maintenancy

30. Dezember 2019

About the Project

Curr­ent­ly ran­ked 15th in the world for pas­sen­ger traf­fic, McCar­ran Inter­na­tio­nal Air­port in Las Vegas, NV is about to hand­le even more pas­sen­gers with the addi­ti­on of Ter­mi­nal 3. The pro­ject covers 1.87 mil­li­on sq. ft. of space inclu­ding 14 addi­tio­nal gates, an immi­gra­ti­on pro­ces­sing cen­ter, bag­ga­ge cla­im, ticke­ting, and par­king faci­li­ties. What’s even more ama­zing is upon com­ple­ti­on, it will allow the air­port to ser­ve over 53 mil­li­on peo­p­le a year! Situa­ted within a desert land­scape, the struc­tu­re was inspi­red by the sur­roun­ding geo­gra­phy and fea­tures long, open spaces whe­re small are­as of light accen­tua­te the cal­ming, can­yon-like walls.

Product Solution

In addi­ti­on to mee­ting the archi­tec­tu­ral needs of Desert Plum­bing & Hea­ting (DPH) of Las Vegas, Krue­ger was faced with the issue of a non stan­dard ½” reces­sed instal­la­ti­on. With a com­mit­ment to world-class ser­vice, Krue­ger Engi­nee­ring pro­vi­ded a mock-up to show both Jer­ry Kech­ter of LONG Buil­ding Envi­ron­ments and the Pro­ject Mana­ger, Bill Bird, how the instal­la­ti­on plays a part in the DesignFlo’s per­for­mance. Based off the sketch (below, left) pro­vi­ded by DPH, our cli­ents were able to expe­ri­ence first-hand the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of Design­Flo by wit­nessing a suc­cessful smo­ke test (below, right). To per­form the smo­ke test, the units were instal­led in the Krue­ger lab to simu­la­te the instal­la­ti­on con­di­ti­ons whe­re smo­ke was injec­ted into the airst­ream. At a design cri­te­ria of ~325 CFM, the Design­Flo dis­play­ed excel­lent throw pat­terns, at both iso­ther­mal and +15ºF del­ta. The main jet coming from the units had cei­ling velo­ci­ties of 120 FPM at 10’ and 45 FPM at 20’ from the unit.

Product Installation

Satis­fied with the solu­ti­on and per­for­mance of the pro­duct, Krue­ger was faced with a deman­ding order sche­du­le amoun­ting to OVER 6 MILES of Design­Flo. Over the cour­se of one year Tam­my McCa­be at LONG Buil­ding Envi­ron­ments expert­ly plan­ned the logi­stics and release sche­du­le of Design­Flo to Krue­ger. Tam­my ensu­red all the pro­ducts were cor­rect­ly sub­mit­ted on time to meet the strin­gent deli­very schedule.



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