Clean & Safe Hygienezertifikat

High Efficiency Systems

30. Dezember 2019

About the Project

Foun­ded as Oma­ha Uni­ver­si­ty in 1908, the cur­rent day Uni­ver­si­ty of Nebras­ka at Oma­ha is now the third-lar­gest insti­tu­ti­on for hig­her edu­ca­ti­on in Nebras­ka. It occu­p­ies over 158 acres of land and ser­ves over 15,000 stu­dents and facul­ty. As a part of its expan­si­on, they are adding a new LEED Sil­ver Cer­ti­fied Col­lege of Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on named Mam­mel Hall.

With a goal of pro­vi­ding occu­p­ant com­fort year-round, the owner wan­ted to insu­re that the indoor cli­ma­te would be con­trol­led through poten­ti­al­ly humid sum­mers as well as seve­re win­ter conditions.

Challenges & Considerations

The Engineer’s ori­gi­nal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on cal­led for the addi­ti­on of a boi­ler and signi­fi­cant hot water piping. This opti­on would requi­re a boi­ler to be on stand­by for the ine­vi­ta­ble reheat request in order to main­tain humi­di­ty con­trol. When asked to con­sider elec­tric heat as an alter­na­ti­ve, recom­men­ded by the local Krue­ger Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve, Air-Side Com­pon­ents, the Engi­neer ori­gi­nal­ly rejec­ted it, sta­ting that three-sta­te hea­ting was too impre­cise and SCR elec­tric heat was too expen­si­ve (often adding as much as $400/​ zone bet­ween hea­ter and controls).

Product Solution

It was not until sub­se­quent dis­cus­sions with both the Local Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve and Dan Int-Hout, Krueger’s Chief Engi­neer, that the Engi­neer swit­ched the spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on to elec­tric heat. It actual­ly offe­red a lower first-cost than the first opti­on becau­se the once nee­ded hot water piping could be eli­mi­na­ted. Howe­ver, we still had to address an issue with uni­form­ly coo­ling all spaces. For­t­u­na­te­ly, Krue­ger alre­a­dy had an elec­tric heat solu­ti­on that would fit that need as well as pro­vi­de an oppor­tu­ni­ty to earn LEED points towards their Sil­ver cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. Krueger’s paten­ted Linea­Heat™ opti­on fea­tures a sin­gle-stage, time-pro­por­tio­nal solid sta­te relay to pro­vi­de only the requi­red amount of heat to the space.

The Linea­Heat con­trol­ler opti­mi­zes both flow and reheat at a much lower first-cost than SCR elec­tric heat and it has more fle­xi­bli­ty when it comes to con­trol­ling it. Linea­Heat can accept up to seven dif­fe­rent types of input signals, inclu­ding ON/​OFF, 0–10 VDC, and 3‑point floa­ting. All seven opti­ons are desi­gned to work with stan­dard DDC con­trol­lers curr­ent­ly offe­red on the mar­ket today, which can crea­te an oppor­tu­ni­ty for signi­fi­cant first-cost savings. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the­re is an opti­on to allow for pre­cise con­trol of dischar­ge tem­pe­ra­tures to main­tain space tem­pe­ra­tures. This too can be bene­fi­ci­al when the­re is a need to cost-effec­tively con­trol humidity.

The End Result

Krue­ger was plea­sed to have pro­vi­ded 150 LMHS units with Linea­Heat for this appli­ca­ti­on and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to help achie­ve LEED Sil­ver Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on on this buil­ding. The Engi­neer also sta­ted that the instal­la­ti­on has gone smooth­ly and that they are on tar­get to open in August of 2010. Linea­Heat allows a simp­le start­up with litt­le field adjus­t­ment requi­red. The opti­miza­ti­on of ener­gy use that Linea­Heat pro­vi­des has assis­ted the cus­to­mer in obtai­ning his LEED Sil­ver rating.



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