Clean & Safe Hygienezertifikat

Heater replacement

30. Dezember 2019

To sup­port cri­ti­cal cur­rent and future busi­ness needs by incre­asing air-con­di­tio­ning capa­ci­ty and effi­ci­en­cy, and upgrading elec­tri­cal ser­vice; to obtain an Ener­gy Star rating.

Hvac design/​build & retrofit solutions

To help this cli­ent meet its deman­ding com­mer­cial HVAC ener­gy saving objec­ti­ves, Mesa pro­vi­ded a high-per­for­mance HVAC design/​build solu­ti­on on a fast-track sche­du­le. In addi­ti­on to having main­tai­ned the client’s exis­ting plant for many years, Mesa was cho­sen for this pro­ject becau­se, as a HVAC design/​build firm, the com­pa­ny offe­red more and bet­ter opti­ons than the sin­gle-source solu­ti­ons pro­po­sed by two HVAC manufacturers.

More efficient cooling system, less space

Mesa’s HVAC retro­fit solu­ti­on invol­ved repla­cing the hotel’s 350-ton indus­tri­al chil­ler plant with a more effi­ci­ent 600-ton modu­lar unit and per­forming a major elec­tri­cal upgrade. In addi­ti­on to accom­mo­da­ting the mecha­ni­cal con­s­truc­tion project’s fast-track deli­very, the modu­lar approach hel­ped main­tain the hotel’s his­to­ric cha­rac­ter, mini­mi­zed the cen­tral chil­ler plant’s foot­print and allo­wed room for future needs.

The cen­tral plant was pre-built by the manu­fac­tu­rer, ship­ped in two sec­tions and assem­bled on-site. The plant con­sis­ted of two cen­tri­fu­gal water-coo­led chil­lers with fac­to­ry-moun­ted varia­ble-flow dri­ves, and 2 two-cell stain­less steel coo­ling towers with indu­ced-draft, coun­ter­flow design, capa­ble of coo­ling 2,000 gal­lons of water per minu­te. The plant also included chil­led and con­den­ser water pumps with varia­ble speed dri­ves, a coo­ling tower fil­tra­ti­on and che­mi­cal feed sys­tem, a chil­led water sys­tem expan­si­on tank and air sepa­ra­tor, two elec­tric fan coil units for cen­tral plant air con­di­tio­ning and a ven­ti­la­ti­on fan with gra­vi­ty back-draft dam­per. A cen­tral plant indus­tri­al ref­ri­ger­ant moni­to­ring sys­tem, a magne­tic flow meter for moni­to­ring the flow of main chil­led water dis­tri­bu­ti­on and six auto­ma­ted iso­la­ti­on con­trol val­ves com­ple­ted the package.

Project delivery with no loose ends

In mana­ging the pro­ject, Mesa made sure it took care of all the details. The com­pa­ny tren­ched new chil­led water lines to an exis­ting tun­nel that led to the old chil­lers. It then instal­led new chil­led water piping to – and within – the plant, as well as sup­p­ly and return piping for the coo­ling towers. In addi­ti­on, the com­pa­ny put in piping for chil­led water, fan coil units and water tre­at­ment devices, and per­for­med the various piping acti­vi­ties requi­red to con­nect the chil­ler plant, the new coo­ling tower sys­tem and other equip­ment. The firm also instal­led a water source heat exch­an­ger, which is part of the con­den­ser loop. After com­ple­ting the under­ground chil­led and con­den­ser water lines for the water source con­den­sers, the com­pa­ny instal­led gra­de beams, struc­tu­ral pads and struc­tu­ral steel, so the towers could be set. The modu­lar cen­tral chil­ler plant was then cra­ned into place.

Cost-saving DDC system: BACnet

In addi­ti­on, Mesa upgraded the plant’s exis­ting direct digi­tal con­trol (DDC) sys­tem to the BAC­net pro­to­col, enab­ling it to bet­ter hand­le the new com­mer­cial coo­ling equip­ment. This pro­to­col signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced instal­la­ti­on cos­ts of labor, con­duit and wire. Rather than pul­ling wire from all com­pon­ents back to the main con­trol­ler, the com­pa­ny sim­ply pul­led the wire to the clo­sest con­trol­ler, from which BAC­net can relay infor­ma­ti­on throug­hout the system.

Hospitality facility background

The Mis­si­on Inn Hotel & Spa is a Natio­nal His­to­ric Land­mark descri­bed by Will Rogers as „the most uni­que hotel in Ame­ri­ca.“ Begun in 1876 as a boar­ding house, it now occu­p­ies an enti­re city block. Its mul­ti­ple wings reflect archi­tec­tu­ral styl­es and fur­nis­hings ran­ging from the New World to the Far East. The­re are 239 guest rooms, inclu­ding 28 sui­tes, as well as 20,000 squa­re feet of mee­ting and ban­quet space, a full-ser­vice spa and four restaurants.



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